For more information, visit my google scholar profile.
Refereed Publications
Under Review
Kahlke, R., Pratt, D.D., Bluman, B., Overhill, K. & Eva, K.W. (Submitted). The complexities of continuing professional development in context: Physician engagement in clinical coaching. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions.
Published Manuscripts
Smith, E. E., Kahlke, R., & Judd, T. (2020). Not just digital natives: Integrating technologies in professional education contexts. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 36(3), 1–14. doi:10.14742/ajet.5689 [Open Access]
Kahlke, R., McConnell, M., Wisener, K. & Eva, K. (2020). The disconnect between knowing and doing in health professions education and practice. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 25(1), 227-240. doi:10.1007/s10459-019-09886-5
Kahlke, R. & Varpio, L. (2019). Positioning the work of Health Professions Education Scholarship Units: How Canadian directors harness institutional logics within institutional orders. Academic Medicine, 94(12), 1988-1994. doi:1097/ACM.0000000000002817
Kahlke, R., Bates, J. & Nimmon, L. (2019). When I say … sociocultural learning theory. Medical Education, 53(2), 117-118. doi:10.1111/medu.13626 [Open Access]
Kahlke, R. & Eva, K. (2018). Constructing critical thinking in health professional education. Perspectives on Medical Education, 7(3), 156-165. doi: 10.1007/s40037-018-0415-z [Open Access]
Kahlke, R. & Taylor, A. (2018). The development of community service-learning in Canada: One size does not fit all. Engaged Scholar Journal, 4(1), 1-18. Available at [Open Access]
Taylor, A. & Kahlke, R. (2017). Institutional logics and community service learning in higher education. Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 47(1), 137-152.
Kahlke, R. (2015). Critical theory in educational administration: An overview of the field. In Burgess, D & Newton P, The theoretical foundations of educational administration (67-80). New York: Routledge.
Kahlke, R. (2014). Generic qualitative approaches: Pitfalls and benefits of methodological mixology. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 13, 37-52. [Open Access]
Paslawski, T., Kahlke, R., Hatch, T., Hall, M., McFarlane, L., Norton, B., Taylor, E., & King, S. (2014). Action, reflection, and evolution: a pilot implementation of interprofessional education across three rehabilitation disciplines. Journal of Research in Interprofessional Practice and Education, 4(2). [Open Acess]
Kahlke, R. & White, J. (2013). Critical thinking in health sciences education: Considering “three waves.” Creative Education, 4(12A), 21-29. doi:10.4236/ce.2013.412A1004 [Open Access]
King, S., Greidanus, E., Carbonaro, M., Drummond, J., Boechler, P. & Kahlke, R. (2010). Synchronous problem-based E-learning (ePBL) in interprofessional health science education. Journal of Interactive Online Learning, 9(2), 133-150.
Kahlke, R. (2018). Generic qualitative approaches: An update [Invited commentary on “Generic qualitative methods: pitfalls and benefits of methodological mixology,” by R. Kahlke]. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 17, 1-3. doi:10.1177/1609406918788193 [Invited; Open Access]
Kahlke, R. (2017). The qualitative quality conversation [Peer commentary on “Shedding the cobra effect: Problematizing thematic emergence, triangulation, saturation and member checking,” by L. Varpio, R. Ajjawi, L. Monrouxe, B. O’Brien & C. Rees]. Medical Education, 51(1), 5-7.
Conference Proceedings
Smith, E. E., Kahlke, R, Judd, T. (2018). From digital natives to digital literacy: Anchoring digital practices through learning design. In Campbell, J. Willems, C. Adachi, D. Blake, I. Doherty, S. Krishnan, S. Macfarlane, L. Ngo, M. O’Donnell, S. Palmer, L. Riddell, I. Story, H. Suri & J. Tai (Eds.), Proceedings Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE) 2018 (pp. 510-515). Geelong, AU: Open Oceans: Learning without borders. Available at [Open Access]
King, S., Greidanus, E., Carbonaro, M., Drummond, J. & Kahlke, R. (2008). Creating virtual learning communities in an interprofessional health sciences context: The importance of synchronous interactions. In C. Bonk et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare and Higher Education 2008 (pp. 2811-2817). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
Conference Presentations
Presentations at National and International Conferences
Van der Goes, T., Kahlke, R., Scott, I & Hubinette, M. (2020, November). Managing tensions in the health advocacy role. Virtual.
Hubinette, M., Kahlke, R. Van der Goes, T. & Scott, I. (2019, October). Health Advocacy: Exploring levers that drive teaching and learning (version 2.0). Family Medicine Forum. Vancouver, BC.
Hubinette, M., Kahlke, R., Van der Goes, T., Clark, J. & Scott, I. (2019, April). How learners in diverse contexts conceptualize health advocacy: Implications for practice and education. Canadian Conference on Medical Education. Niagra Falls, ON.
Hubinette, M., Van der Goes, T., Kahlke, R., Clark, J. & Scott, I. (2018, November). Health Advocacy: Exploring the levers that drive teaching and learning in your setting. Workshop presented at Family Medicine Forum. Toronto, ON.
Kahlke, R., Hubinette, M., Van der Goes, T., Clark, J. & Scott, I. (2018, October). Contextual drivers of learner health advocacy decisions. Presentation at The International Conference on Residency Education. Halifax, NS.
Hubinette, M., Kahlke, R, Van der Goes, T. & Scott, I. (2018, October) Learning in Context: Workplace Learning of Health Advocacy. Workshop presented at The International Conference on Residency Education. Halifax, NS.
Kahlke R., Scott, I., Van der Goes, T. & Hubinette, M. 2018, April). The “deserving patient”: exploring student motivations for advocacy action and inaction. Poster presented at The Canadian Conference on Medical Education. Halifax, NS.
Hubinette, M., Kahlke, R., Van der Goes, T., Van Enk, A. & Scott, I. (2018, April). “Advocacy Tactics”: Exploring Student Methods for Enacting Advocacy. Poster presented at The Canadian Conference on Medical Education. Halifax, NS.
Kahlke, R., Eva, K., Thomson, C. & Pratt, D. (2018, April). Physician goals in clinical coaching interactions. Poster presented at The Canadian Conference on Medical Education. Halifax, NS.
Kahlke, R. (2017, September). Health Advocacy and the Hidden Curriculum. Presentation at Rogano. Helsinki, FI.
Min, C., Pratt, D., Butler, D., Kahlke, R., Bates, J. & Eva, K. (2017, September). How prior curricular experiences and student goals influence medical students’ engagement with formative assessments. Presentation at Association for Medical Education in Europe. Helsinki, FI.
Kahlke, R., Hubinette, M. & Scott, I. (2017, April). Teaching, learning, and assessing health advocacy. Workshop presentated at The Canadian Conference on Medical Education, Winnipeg, MB.
Kahlke, R. (2016, November). Constructing critical thinking in context. Presentation at Learn, Serve, Lead: The American Association of Medical Colleges Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA.
Kahlke, R. & White, J. (2015, September). “Seeing the forest for the trees” – examining the metaphors that physicians use when talking about clinical thinking. Poster presented at Association for Medical Education in Europe, Glasgow, Scotland.
Kahlke, R. (2015, April). Contradictions and conflicts: Exploring the values of medical educators. Presentation at The Canadian Conference on Medical Education, Vancouver, BC.
Kahlke, R. & Taylor, A. (2014, October). Community service learning: Institutional locations and challenges. Presentation at the Engagement Scholarship Consortium, Edmonton, AB.
Kahlke, R. (2014, September). Constructing critical thinking: A qualitative examination of health science educators’ understandings. Poster presented at Association for Medical Education in Europe, Milan, IT.
Kahlke, R. & Nicholas, D. Critical thinking and social worker identity. (2014, May). Presentation at Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences – Canadian Association for Social Work Education, St. Catherine’s, ON.
Gauthier, G. & Kahlke, R. (2013, June). Problematizing the notion of case for interactive design and assessment. Presentation at the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Annual Conference, Sydney, NS.
Hatch, T., Kahlke, R., King, S., Norton, B. & Wald, S. (2011, November). Moving from awkward to “aha!”: Strategies for building reflective capacity in health science students and faculty. Poster presented at Collaborating Across Borders III, Tucson, AZ.
*Received best poster award
Pimlott, J., Kahlke, R., Bazin, M., Cox, C., Cunningham, R., McCargar, L., Hatch, T., King, S., Taylor, E. & Ward, C. (2010, April). Looking back, moving forward: 20 years of an interprofessional health team development course. Presentation at All Together Better Health V, Sydney, AU.
Taylor, E., Kahlke, R., Cunningham, R., Hatch, T., King, S., Miller, M., Paslawski, T. & Sommerfeldt, S. (2010, Apr). Interprofessional facilitator skills: From classroom to practice. Presentation at All Together Better Health V, Sydney, AU.
Taylor, E., Kahlke, R., King, S., Taylor, M. & Peterson, R. (2010, April). Thinking outside the box: Alternative team composition. Presentation at All Together Better Health V, Sydney, AU.
Regional Conferences
Thomson, C. Kahlke, R., Leung, D., Bluman, B., Overhill, K., Pratt, D. & Eva, K. (2018, February). Perceptions versus Experiences of Learner Autonomy in a Clinical Coaching Program. Quality Forum. Vancouver, BC.
Kahlke, R., Pratt, D., Thomson, C. & Eva, K. (2017, October). Divergent goals in clinical coaching. Presentation at the Centre for Health Education Scholarship (CHES) Celebration of Scholarship, Vancouver, BC.
Hubinette, M., Kahlke, R., Ewert, A., van der Goes, T. & Scott, I. (2017, October). “Advocacy tactics”: Exploring student methods for enacting advocacy. Presentation at the Centre for Health Education Scholarship (CHES) Celebration of Scholarship, Vancouver, BC.
Kahlke, R., Hubinette, M., Ewert, A., van der Goes, T. & Scott, I. (2017, October). The “Deserving Patient”: Exploring student motivations for advocacy action and inaction. Presentation at the Centre for Health Education Scholarship (CHES) Celebration of Scholarship, Vancouver, BC.
Thomson, C., Kahlke, R., Leung, D., Bluman, B., Overhill, D., Pratt, D. & Eva, K. (2017, October). Perceptions versus experiences of learner autonomy in a clinical coaching program. Presentation at the Centre for Health Education Scholarship (CHES) Celebration of Scholarship, Vancouver, BC.
Kahlke, R., Hubinette, M. & Scott, I. (2016, October). Physicians’ advocacy role: Formal and informal learning. Presentation at the Centre for Health Education Scholarship (CHES) Celebration of Scholarship, Vancouver, BC.
Kahlke, R. (2015, October). Understanding advocacy across health professions. Presentation at the Centre for Health Education Scholarship (CHES) Celebration of Scholarship, Vancouver, BC.
Kahlke, R. (2015, March). Wait, what do you mean? Inter and intra-disciplinary differences in health science educators understandings of critical thinking. Workshop presented at the Dr. Olive Yonge Teaching and Learning Scholarship Day, Edmonton, AB.
Hatch, T., King, S., Hall, M., Paslawski, T., Schmitz, C., Taylor, E., Guirguis, L., Kahlke, R., MacGregor, D., & McLaughlin, A. (2012, May). It takes a village: Partnering for authentic and sustainable interprofessional education. Poster presented at Strengthening the Bond, Banff, AB.
Kahlke, R., Guirguis, L. & Hatch, T. (2012, March). Making it easy: Incorporating structured reflective practice into existing teaching and learning activities. Workshop presented at the Dr. Olive Yonge Teaching and Learning Scholarship Day. Edmonton, AB.
Invited Presentations
Kahlke, R. (2018, November). To be or not to be a health advocate: Workplace learning and health advocacy. Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. Ottawa, CA.
Kahlke, R. (2017, June). The Social and Cultural Dimensions of Putting Knowledge into Practice. Centre for Health Education Scholarship, University of British Columbia. Vancouver, BC.
Kahlke, R. (2017, May). Sociocultural dimensions of putting knowledge into practice. Department of Learning Health Sciences, University of Michigan. Ann Arbour, MI.
Kahlke, R. (2017, March). Social and cultural dimensions of putting knowledge into practice. The Wilson Centre, University of Toronto and University Health Network. Toronto, ON.
Kahlke, R. (2017, March). Social and cultural dimensions of putting knowledge into practice. The Division for Innovation in Medical Education, University of Ottawa. Ottawa, ON.
Greidanus, G., Kahlke, R., Foisy-Doll, C. & MacPherson, J. (2012, June). SIM ETC: Simulation Educator Training Course. Invited presentations for the British Columbia Institute of Technology.
Kahlke, R. (2011, November). Understanding power in educational settings. Invited presentation for undergraduate course, taught by Dr. Jorge Sousa. EDPS 411: Cross cultural studies in education.
Kahlke, R. & Hatch, T. (2011, January). Enhancing clinical teaching with reflection. Invited presentation at a faculty development day in the Department of Dentistry and Dental Hygiene, for clinical instructors in Dental Hygiene.
Kahlke, R. & Hatch, T. (2008 & 2009, October). Interprofessional teamwork in practice. Invited presentation at the Department of Social Work, University of Calgary.