I am passionate about teaching and learning in adult and higher education, and am fortunate in that I am able to teach both in and about adult and higher education. Though I teach across this field, my research and teaching focus has increasingly focused on health professions education. The documents provided in this portfolio articulate my beliefs about teaching and learning, and provide evidence of how I put those beliefs into practice.
Under “teaching experience” I provide examples of diverse educational activities that I have designed and delivered, including both formal classroom experiences, faculty development work, and less formal non-credit experiences. These experiences demonstrate my flexibility as an educator and willingness to try new things both inside and outside the classroom.
I also include evidence of successful classroom teaching from recent course evaluations. These evaluations provide an indication of my success at being flexible and accessible, as well as providing content expertise that helps direct student inquiry. I am particularly proud of the comments I received following the EDPS 561 course, which involved the challenging but rewarding experience of delivering authentic learning experiences that benefit the community through community service learning.
I have also provided a course outline and syllabus from EDPS 561, my most recently taught full-length graduate course. I am particularly proud of this course design, as it balances content provision (including guest lectures), authentic learning and assessment through a community service learning instructional design project (which ran throughout the course), and reflective practice, as students complete regular reflective assignments that form a set of “field notes” in instructional design. I think this course also highlights a willingness to take risks in the classroom and ask students engage in the messiness of real-world knowledge application. As I mentioned above, I believe the comments I received at the end of this course accurately reflect its success and my development as an educator.